An open call to share your pet’s goofier meowments
Being a cat parent is equally rewarding and perplexing. They’re an enigma, wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in floof. That’s why we love them so much. They always keep us guessing, especially with some of their, erm, more unusual antics.
At Made By Nacho, we know cats. We’re run by one, Nacho Flay. Our menu is chock-full of paw-selected premium ingredients that cats love. Cats are always our only focus.
Although Nacho (and his sister Stella Flay) painstakingly taught us to speak cat, we’re still mystified, and frankly, super entertained by their shenanigans. And as cat parents, we bet you understand. It’s a cat thing.
Being the cat-obsessives we are, we documented and CAT-agorized some of the #NachoCatPack’s more head-scratching moments. We’d love it if you share yours, too:
So tell us “It’s a Cat Thing” without, you know, telling us it’s a cat thing. We’ll go first:
The Cabinet Creeper
Someone needs to check on the treats

Who needs a water dish when you’ve got a faucet?
Always Finding My Light
When you’re this gorgeous, the light finds you

Or, the human cat perch

Liquid Kitten
Oh bigggg stretch

ZOMG it’s the zoomies
Watch your back
Cat? Bread?
Just loafing around here
@coupleofclassycats @milo_emmie_siberiancat
Boxes > Anything
Think inside the box
If I Fits, I Sits
The ultimate It’s a Cat Thing, thing
@hodiforousjackson @mycatdennis
So go ahead, show us “It’s a Cat Thing” by sharing your cat’s meowments with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok using the #ItsACatThing, we can’t wait to see them!